2019年1月10日 星期四



兩年前寫過一篇〈平等與公平〉,略談平等與公平這兩個不同的概念。剛看到研究全球化的經濟學家 Dani Rodrik以下這段話,很能說明兩者根本不同:

What gives trade particular political salience is that it often raises fairness concerns in ways that the other major contributor to inequality— technology—does not. When I lose my job because my competitor innovates and introduces a better product, I have little cause to complain. When he outcompetes me by outsourcing to firms abroad that do things that would be illegal here—for example, prevent their workers from organizing and bargaining collectively—I may have a legitimate gripe. It is not inequality per se that people tend to mind. What’s problematic is unfair inequality, when we are forced to compete under different ground rules.



如果你認為 inequality就是不公平,那要怎麼譯 unfair inequality呢?難道要譯「不公平的不公平」?