2017年7月24日 星期一





I read first and 2nd chapter of the book xxx which was translated by you but decided to thru away the book thou I am really interested in the subject. I learned that you have won award in 2011 in your excellence of translation, H'ever I had such difficulty to read this book because the translation is truly meaningless.


這本書的內容有點硬,覺得難看並不奇怪,但把我的翻譯說成是「truly meaningless」則未免過分。我雖然未能達到榮辱不驚的境界,而且負面評論予人的刺激往往比較強烈,但這位讀者的反應我並不是很在乎,主要是因為我知道自己譯這本書時並沒有亂來,是一貫地認真翻譯並審校;如果你有正常的閱讀理解能力,對書的內容又有興趣,我的譯文不至於令人看不下去。(至於覺得譯文讀起味同嚼蠟的人,我總是想說:你要不要看看原文,體驗一下?)


Obviously you do not have a stomach for criticism, I did not expect you to answer me actually no answer probably is better than your answer


In fact, translators rarely get responses from readers. So, I appreciate that you took your time writing to me, telling what you think about a book translated by me, even though your criticism is not useful to me.

If you want to criticize someone's translation, you need to give examples and explain why you think the translation is not good, rather just saying "your translation is truly meaningless."

I actually welcome meaningful criticism, which is very rare. You don't really know me but you are not afraid of jumping to conclusion and saying such unkind words to a stranger. To me, that reflects to some extend the kind of person you are.

I know you are pissed off with the book translated by me. I suggest that you avoid reading translated business books not out of self-defence, but because I think you would not be happy reading most of those books.

If you are kind enough to offer detailed criticism with examples, I would appreciate that. Otherwise, I think we should stop here before we both become more unkind.

她回了一句:「If you yourself can not tell good from bad, I agree we should stop.」

At long last, I agree with her. So we stop.

5 則留言:

  1. 那你應該看一下這個 http://945chin.blogspot.tw/2017/07/blog-post.html

  2. 無寫明理由支持其批評又出言不遜者,我會玩佢。有給理由而理由充分,我偷師了。有給理由但我不同意,我通常會正經反駁。有給理由而理由荒謬混吉,我就玩到盡。當然如果讀者是我米飯班主我可能有顧忌不能玩得太囂。不過對方如果是真心有歧見而批評,我即使不同意也沒所謂,we agree to disagree, no big deal.


    I'm sorry that you find my work unsatisfactory and your feedback is invaluable to me, for criticism is the driving force of intellectual growth. It is therefore with the utmost humility that I seek your advice and recommendations: on what can I improve upon to meet your high standard and expectation? I feel privileged to be in the presence of your remarkable talents: your unconventional understanding of the English language, your innovative grammar, your unique sentence composition, all are a testament to your amazing ability to bend grammar rules to your sheer will. We, the less gifted, stand in awe of such boundless creativity. Please provide us with more exquisite examples to validate my point - educate us, inspire us, entertain us...

    1. 你英文好過我好多。認真。

    2. That's probably because you don't have this mean streak in you :-) But in my defense, I'm always going to whine "But he/she started it..."
